March: Review

Usually my least favorite month, this year March felt merciful. Snow and ice melted, family visited, the dog almost made it a year without an injury.

# of hours outside66.5
# of times I thought it would be fun to make snowmen in our friends’ yard1
# of times my kids helped me make snowmen in our friends’ yard0
# of times my kids wanted to pose for a picture with the snowmen I made in our friends’ yard1
# of times I felt like The Little Red Hen1
# of hikes with cousins2
# of hikes with grandma1
# of afternoons spent at winery with my childhood best friend1
# of years passed since I had seen my childhood best friend 3
# of children accompanying afternoon with my childhood best friend 0
# of minutes my childhood best friend and I walked around searching for public bathroom with electrical outlet to facilitate pumping47
# of times I thought “men never have to do this”1
# of blog posts composed in my head 4
# of blog posts actually written down1
# of times my children deemed it warm enough to wear flip flops10
# of times I embraced this 10
# of times I was blinded by the whiteness of my feet in flip flops10
# of times I came downstairs from putting baby down for nap to find front door open and our preschooler running around half naked in the sunshine1
# of days a melted ice rink graced our front yard31
# of hours our children spent using melted ice rink as enormous water table40
# of times I saw the dog use the melted ice rink as a pool1
# of times I can only assume the dog used the melted ice rink as a pool, based on frequency with which my children leave the front door open15
# of times we told the kids not to drink out of the melted ice rink7
# of days our neighbors have probably dreamed of our yard without a melted ice rink31
# of times we ate outside because it felt “balmy”4
# of times I have realized life without daily snowsuits is amazing4728
Total hours outside Year To Date178.55